as a glider and motor aircraft pilot I got a balloon licence at the age of 37, reigning champion of Poland, won 8 times balloon championship of Poland, won a few 1st category international events
Central European Cup 2023 and Pre 25th World Hot Air Balloon Championship |
as a glider and motor aircraft pilot I got a balloon licence at the age of 37, reigning champion of Poland, won 8 times balloon championship of Poland, won a few 1st category international events
Balloon crew member since 2004, pilot from 2015 and participant of Women championships since. Commercial pilot in Latvia, but still full with passion for sport challenges and tasks up in the air
New to ballooning.
I started ballooning when I studied at Chalmers University in Gothenburg. The local beer company had sponsored the university balloon and I found the combination of balloon flights and free beer very appealing. I competed for Sweden in 3 World Championships 1981 – 1985 and stopped competing when I started flying commercial balloons in Kenya 1986. I moved to the UK in 1991 and carried on flying commercially until a few years ago when I started competing again. I’m now competing for the United Kingdom.
Team USA Pilot. I have been flying balloons since 1979. I am a 5-time US National Champion, 6-time World Grand Prix Champion and 1-time World Champion (1995 - Battle Creek Michigan USA). Looking to compete alongside my two sons Lucas & Rhett.
World Champion 2006, World Champion 2010
Member of Team USA. I have competed in Hot Air Ballooning since 2009. I am a 4-time U.S. National Champion, and 1-time World Champion (Saga, Japan 2016). Excited to compete alongside my brother Lucas, and father Joe.
Current Danish Champion Balloon Pilot since 2010, Instructor since 2014, participated in 2 World Championship, 5 European championships
Pilot since 2018 Two-time Brazilian Champion
In ballooning since 2014. in my hometown club „Balloon Club Zagreb".
I‘m an austrian competition Pilot :)
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Hi I am Sandor Simon hot air balloon pilot and instructor. I have got my licence in 2002, since that time I fly by passion and for trainings. In my private life I am managing my small company, we are doing powder coating as a job coater.
About me
Peter is the youngest Balloonist in Slovenia and enthusiast of hot air balloons